November 2020 Updates
The Department of City Planning has released updates to the Draft Downtown Community Plan and Zoning Code, which includes changes for Chinatown in response to stakeholder feedback. In particular, the height and FAR allowances have been reduced and the affordable housing requirement has been increased.
These updated documents can be found at https://planning.lacity.org/plans-policies/community-plan-update/downtown-los-angeles-community-plan-update#draft-plan.
City Planning has also assembled a packet that helps summarize the elements of the Downtown plan that focus on Chinatown. The document includes:
– reader’s guide pointing out the Chinatown specific goals and policies
– zoning map and summary of the zone string for Chinatown
– diagrams illustrating the develop potential under the current plan vs draft plan
– best practice design guidelines for Chinatown
– Central City North Survey LA report – highlighting the historic buildings in Chinatown
This packet is available for download here as a 14.6 MB PDF.
In the coming weeks, City Planning will hold several online outreach events to help answer questions, including Planning 101 Webinars, Virtual Open Houses, and a Virtual Public Hearing.
For more information and links to register for these events, visit https://planning.lacity.org/plans-policies/community-plan-update/downtown-los-angeles-community-plan-update#events.
Provide Comments
Draft Downtown Community Plan Text, Plan Map, or Zoning Map Comments
To provide comments on the Draft Downtown Community Plan Text, Plan Map, or Zoning Map, please contact Brittany Arceneaux at brittany.arceneaux@lacity.org.
Public Hearing Draft of the Zoning Code
To provide comments on the Public Hearing Draft of the Zoning Code, please fill out the comment form here.
Draft EIR Comments
Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, December 4, 2020.
If you wish to submit comments on the Draft EIR, please submit your written comments (including a name, telephone number, and contact information and the following file number ENV-2017-433-EIR), via mail or e-mail to the following addresses:
Brittany Arceneaux, City Planner
City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning
200 North Spring Street, Room 667
Los Angeles, CA 90012
For more information about the DTLA 2040 Community Plan, including a timeline and information about outreach events, visit Planning4LA.org/dtla2040.