Public Comments
Metro is inviting organizations and interested parties to submit comments on the scope of the environmental document related to the proposed gondola to Dodger Stadium.
In 2018, Aerial Rapid Transit Technology LLC (ARTT), a private company, submitted a proposal to Metro’s Office of Extraordinary Innovation for an aerial rapid transit gondola system connecting Union Station and Dodger Stadium – the Los Angeles Aerial Rapid Transit project (LA ART). Metro agreed to act as the lead agency for the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) under the California Environmental Quality Act in order to support further review of the LA ART project.
This would be a privately funded and privately operated transportation system. As proposed, LA ART would serve all Dodger home games and special events at Dodger Stadium and is also anticipated to operate daily to serve community members, park visitors, and tourists.
Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report
As lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act, Metro is currently soliciting scoping comments on its Notice of Preparation for the LA ART Environmental Impact Report until November 16, 2020. In connection with the Notice of Preparation, a virtual open house with project information will be available during the 45-day scoping period beginning October 1, 2020 and ending on November 16, 2020. A live virtual scoping meeting was held on October 22, 2020.
How to Comment
October 1 to November 16, 2020
Comments must be submitted by 11:59 pm on November 16, 2020, via any of the following:
Attention: Mr. Cory Zelmer
Deputy Executive Officer
One Gateway Plaza, Mail Stop 99-22-6
Los Angeles, CA 90012
NOP (English)
NOP (Español)
NOP (中文)
Fact Sheet (English)
Fact Sheet (Español)
Fact Sheet (中文)
Presentation (English)
Presentation (Español)
Presentation (中文)
Oct.22 Virtual Scoping Meeting (English)
Oct.22 Virtual Scoping Meeting (Spanish)
Oct.22 Virtual Scoping Meeting (Chinese/Cantonese)
Currently, there are 2 proposed routes for the gondola, and one proposed intermediate passenger location for each route.
What is the Purpose of the EIR?
The purpose of the Draft EIR is to disclose and evaluate the potential for environmental impacts associated with implementation of the proposed Project, and to provide mitigation measures where required.
The Draft EIR will address all environmental topics listed in Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, as listed below.
• Aesthetics
• Agriculture and forestry resources
• Air quality
• Biological resources
• Cultural and historic resources
• Energy
• Geology and soils
• Greenhouse gas emissions
• Hazards and hazardous materials
• Hydrology and water quality
• Land use and planning
• Mineral resources
• Noise
• Population and housing
• Public services
• Recreation
• Transportation
• Tribal cultural resources
• Utilities and service systems
• Wildfire
Mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant impacts during construction and operation of the proposed Project will also be identified in the Draft EIR.
For more information, please visit metro.net/aerialrapidtransit, or please call 213-418-3423.