Final EIR
Metro released the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed LA ART Gondola Project on December 4, 2023, compiling and responding to all comments received during the Draft EIR public review period.
The Final EIR is available here and is also available in hard copy at the Central Library, Chinatown Branch Library, Cypress Park Branch Library, and Metro Headquarters, Dorothy Peyton Grey Library.
If there are any questions regarding how to review available documents, please contact Metro at (213) 922-6913.
Pre-Final EIR Public Meetings
Metro hosted two Pre-Final EIR Release Public Meetings on November 30, 2023 and December 2, 2023 to provide a project update and information on the Final EIR for the proposed Project. Both Pre-Final EIR Release Public Meetings offered Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Taishanese interpretation, and provided materials in English, Spanish, Chinese (Traditional), and Chinese (Simplified). Recordings of the two Pre-Final EIR Release Public Meetings and their materials are available here.
What’s Next?
Metro Board of Directors to consider adoption of the Final EIR in early 2024. To view upcoming Metro board and committee meetings, visit https://boardagendas.metro.net.
For more information about the project, visit metro.net/aerialrapidtransit.