Meet fellow candidates and learn about their positions on the issues that matter to voters. The array of issues of concern to neighborhood council stakeholders include economic development, traffic congestion, education, affordable housing, public safety, preservation of histories and cultures, open space, and more. Individual campaigns are well underway and the Formation Committee offers the forum as an additional way for candidates to reach voters.
Candidate Forum Format:
– Election Day information
– Candidate introductions
– Candidate statements
– Questions for candidates
The forum will be moderated by Formation Committee members and other volunteers who are not registered HCNNC candidates.
* ELECTION DAY: APRIL 4 from 2-8PM at Alpine Recreation Center, 817 Yale St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
FORO DE CANDIDATOS DE HCNNC Haz preguntas. Todos son bienvenidos. MARTES 19 DE MARZO, 2019 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM CASTELAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 840 YALE ST LOS ANGELES, CA 90012
* Día de Elección: Jueves 4 de Abril, 2019 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM Alpine Recreation Center 817 Yale St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
HCNNC 候選⼈論壇問他們問題。歡迎⼤家參加。2019年3⽉19⽇,星期⼆下午6時30 – 到晚上8:30 CASTELAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL耶魯街840號洛杉磯,加利福尼亞州90012
* 選舉⽇: 星期四, 2019年4⽉4⽇下午2點到8點阿爾卑斯休閒中⼼耶魯⼤街817號洛杉磯,加利福尼亞州90012
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