Do you support more cannabis businesses in the community? If so, what community benefits should the neighborhood council seek from the applicant?
We want to know what you think. Please let us know by taking HCNNC’s Cannabis Survey at our website at http://hcnnc.org/cannabis-survey or by clicking the button below.
HCNNC has received an application for a retail cannabis business to open in Chinatown. Because the Central City North Community Plan area (which includes Chinatown, Victor Heights, and Arts District) has already reached the City’s limit for the number of businesses that can be issued retail licenses in that area, the business is asking for an exception to open as a Public Convenience or Necessity.
As part of the City’s cannabis regulations, businesses would provide community benefits, such as donations to non-profits, graffiti cleanup, and others, which are negotiated with the neighborhood council.
For more information about the City’s cannabis licensing regulations, visit https://cannabis.lacity.org/licensing/licensing-information/application-procedures-and-resources.
Comments can also be submitted to HCNNC by email at board@hcnnc.org or by voicemail at (323) 716-3918.