• Report a hate crime or hate incident to LAPD. All LAPD officers are trained to take hate crime and hate incident reports. Even if you did not experience or witness a hate crime, but a hate incident, reporting it is an important tool to inform the City of Los Angeles with accurate data that can inform City policy. You can report a hate crime at any police station or by calling 9-1-1. You can also call the LAPD tipline at 877-529-3835.
• Report a hate crime or hate incident to LA County. Los Angeles County collects reports regarding hate crimes, hate incidents, and bias-motivated behavior. By filing a report as a victim, witness, or advocate for a victim of hate crimes, hate acts, or bullying, reporters will be referred to resources in their local community and have the option to receive personalized follow up from a 211 care coordinator. Information can be submitted anonymously online, by calling 2-1-1, or by calling (800) 339-6993.
• Report hate to a local community organization. Report anti-Asian hate online at Stop AAPI Hate or at Asian Americans Advancing Justice. They provide in-language support including Korean, Chinese, Tagalog, and more. Report discriminatory incidents based on religion, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin or level of ability to the Anti-Defamation League.
For more information, visit https://civilandhumanrights.lacity.org/stophate and https://stopaapihate.org.