When: Monday, November 25, 2024 at 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Where: In-person and via Zoom/Telephone
Agenda (English/中文/Español): BdAgenda-11-25-24-HCNNC-EngChTSpa.pdf
Supporting Documents: http://bit.ly/HCNNC-11-25-2024-Bd-Docs
In-Person Location:Chinatown Branch Library, 639 N Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85762679293
Phone Instructions: Dial 1-888-475-4499. Then Enter This Webinar ID: 857 6267 9293 and Press #.
Please join us for the HCNNC’s monthly board meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate.
Please share your opinions either through a public comment at meeting on 11/25/24 and/or in a public comment that can be sent to the board members via email or telephone (voicemail) prior to the meeting. Public comments will be entered into the official record for the meeting.
—Please send your comments to—
Email: board@hcnnc.org.
Voicemail: (323) 716-3918