Neighborhood Councils are the closest form of government to the people. They give our communities a voice at City Hall on important issues like development, homelessness, and public safety.
The best way to make sure you are heard by your entire board of elected neighborhood representatives is to attend meetings and make public comments. HCNNC’s meeting schedule is updated regularly at our website at hcnnc.org.
In addition, whether you are submitting a Neighborhood Purpose Grant application, have an opinion about a topic that is scheduled for an upcoming meeting, or have an issue in your community that you would like HCNNC to discuss at a future board meeting, we encourage you to reach out directly to all board members (those who have email). Our website now provides convenient “Email All” links that allow you to email all board or committee members at once. To access these links, visit https://hcnnc.org/board/ or the committee pages on this website.
Comments can also be submitted by phone by leaving a voicemail at HCNNC’s general phone at (323) 716-3918. Please note, however, that these voicemail comments cannot be shared with the entire board until the time of HCNNC’s board or committee meetings.