HISTORIC CULTURAL NORTH NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL – Representing Chinatown, El Pueblo, Solano Canyon, and Victor Heights in the City of Los Angeles

2025 Election

HCNNC’s Election Day is April 22, 2025!

The Historic Cultural North Neighborhood Council represents Chinatown, El Pueblo, Solano Canyon, and Victor Heights in the City of Los Angeles. On April 22, 2025, eight of HCNNC’s 17 board seats will be on the ballot for election. If you live, work, rent or own property, worship, attend school, or are a vested community stakeholder in the Historic Cultural North Neighborhood Council area, you can vote!

See Who’s Running!

The candidate filing period for HCNNC is now closed.

To see the current list of candidates, visit bit.ly/hcnnc2025candidates.


• Voter registration: February 21, 2025 through April 14, 2025.
• Vote-By-Mail ballots will be mailed out from March 18, 2025 to April 15, 2025.

Residents, business owners, employees, property owners, and members of community organizations or nonprofits are eligible to vote! The Office of the City Clerk, which administers the neighborhood council elections, announced that the 2025 elections will be conducted as All Vote-By-Mail elections.

All voters, regardless of registration status in city, state, and federal elections, must register separately to vote in neighborhood council elections. All voters, regardless of whether you’ve voted in a previous neighborhood council election, will be required to apply for a vote by mail ballot. THERE IS NO IN-PERSON VOTING ON ELECTION DAY.

Voter registration can be done online, or through a paper application form. For more information on how to vote, visit https://clerk.lacity.gov/clerk-services/elections/neighborhood-council-elections/how-vote.

Eligibility to vote in HCNNC’s election varies for each board seat, and is outlined in HCNNC’s bylaws (on pages 24-25). In general, if you are a stakeholder in the Chinatown area, you are eligible to vote for all of the Chinatown seats on the ballot and the At-Large seat. If you are a stakeholder in the Victor Heights area, you are eligible to vote for all of the Victor Heights seats on the ballot and the At-Large seat, etc. To see the boundaries of the 4 districts within HCNNC’s service area, visit hcnnc.org/boundaries.

About Neighborhood Councils

Neighborhood Councils are a hyperlocal form of government that work to ensure the City of Los Angeles is responsive to the needs, challenges, and aspirations of YOUR neighborhood.

The Neighborhood Council system was designed with representation at its center. Unlike many other elected positions, the Neighborhood Council system is open to those who are system impacted, non-US citizens, unhoused neighbors, and young people in the community.

Neighborhood Council Board Members are volunteers. As a Neighborhood Council Board Member, you will have the opportunity to advocate for issues that matter most to you and your neighbors, advise your City Councilmember and other City leaders, and contribute to positive change in your community.


Contact elections@empowerla.org or clerk.electionsnc@lacity.org.

For updates and information for the upcoming 2025 NC elections, visit the City Clerk’s website at https://clerk.lacity.gov/clerk-services/elections/neighborhood-council-elections

For a timeline of the election, including candidate filing and voter registration deadlines, visit https://clkrep.lacity.org/election/2025_NC_Election_Timeline.pdf