HISTORIC CULTURAL NORTH NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL – Representing Chinatown, El Pueblo, Solano Canyon, and Victor Heights in the City of Los Angeles

2025 Elections

HCNNC’s Election Day is April 22, 2025!

The Historic Cultural North Neighborhood Council represents Chinatown, El Pueblo, Solano Canyon, and Victor Heights in the City of Los Angeles. On April 22, 2025, 8 of HCNNC’s 17 board seats will be on the ballot for election. Residents, business owners, employees, property owners, and members of community organizations or nonprofits are eligible to vote!

Seats available:

• At-Large Stakeholder Representative
• Chinatown Residential Representative
• Chinatown At-Large Business-Owner/Employee/Non-Profit/Property-Owner Representative
• El Pueblo Non-Profit Representative
• Solano Canyon Residential Representative
• Solano Canyon Business-Owner/Employee/Non-Profit/Property-Owner Representative
• Victor Heights Residential Representative
• Victor Heights Business-Owner/Employee/Non-Profit/Property-Owner Representative

The Office of the City Clerk, which administers the neighborhood council elections, has officially kicked off this election cycle, and announced that the 2025 elections will be conducted as All Vote-By-Mail elections. For updates and information for the upcoming 2025 NC elections, visit the City Clerk’s website at https://clerk.lacity.gov/clerk-services/elections/neighborhood-council-elections.

For a timeline of the elections, including candidate filing and voter registration deadlines, visit https://clkrep.lacity.org/election/2025_NC_Election_Timeline.pdf. For HCNNC, which is in “Region 6,” Election Day is April 22, 2025.